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    A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers where they share and discover great ideas.
  • FreeCodeCamp

    A platform that has thousands of videos, articles, and coding lessons for helping people learn to code for free.
  • GeeksforGeeks

    GeeksforGeeks is a computer science portal for geeks offering coding and algorithm tutorials, interview questions and more.
  • Hashnode

    A free blogging platform where people in tech, developers, and engineers share their ideas.
  • Javatpoint

    A platform that provides free tutorials and interview questions about technologies related to computer science.
  • LogRocket

    It is a frontend monitoring tool that helps with debugging by providing insights into user behavior.
  • Medium

    Medium is a website that allows people to publish and share articles, stories, and ideas with a community of readers.
  • Tutorialspoint

    Tutorials Point is an Ed Tech platform that offers the best learning material for technical and non-technical subjects.
  • W3Schools

    W3Schools is a platform that offers tutorials, references, and courses covering all aspects of web development.